When Selyosha arrived at the Supreme Soviet, he was shocked by the number of people attending the meeting. Hundreds of people, not only Moscow officials, but also Ukrainian and Belarusian firsts have arrived here, and Jelicin has already arrived.
"What happened to Brother Boris?" Xie took walked beside Jelicin small asked.
"Xie took you don’t know? There was a serious nuclear accident in Chernobyl a few days ago, and these damn local officials tried to cover it up for a few days before reporting it to the central government! " Jelicin resented and said that if you look relaxed, you will go to [Vertex Network O]
Chapter ninety-four Take charge of the overall situation
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Jelicin’s anger is not unreasonable. It’s been two days since Chernobyl first exploded, and Gorbachev always remembers that it was less than 20 hours when everyone knew about it.
Now it is necessary to call all deputy ministerial officials in Moscow at midnight, because according to experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, the core of Chernobyl No.4 reactor has melted down and there is a danger of explosion at any time. In this case, the Politburo should be anxious for all officials to discuss a countermeasure
Today’s unconventional meeting is extremely efficient, because time waits for no one. Gorbachev always remembers that he didn’t even have to be invited to attend the meeting. Experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry tried their best to tell ordinary people about the current situation in Chernobyl in a white way, but everyone here still listened in a fog.
"Excuse me, can I interrupt?" Xie took suddenly interrupted each other to speak.
Gorbachev didn’t get angry when he saw Xie Liaosha. He motioned Xie Liaosha to speak freely!
"Several comrades of the Ministry of Nuclear Industry, it is impossible for all of us here to understand what happened in Chernobyl. We are all elementary school students in nuclear issues. I want you to tell me directly what Chernobyl needs now?"
"We need borax, boron carbide, lead powder, radiation protection, a lot of liquid nitrogen, large-scale oil drilling equipment and a lot of cement and concrete …" Experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry listed them one by one, and most of the officials present carefully recorded them.
"Excuse me, what do you need oil drilling equipment? What other specifications are needed? How many units are needed? " The speech was made by the Minister of Petroleum Industry. When he heard an expert talk about something he had to do, he immediately asked.
"We need to inject liquid nitrogen into the soil of the No.4 core to keep its temperature at 100 degrees Celsius, so as to ensure that the melted core will not continue to settle the polluted water."
"Our Ministry of Chemical Industry has a batch of borax in Odessa …"
"Our Ministry of Transport trains and transport convoys can be ready in two hours …"
It took Selyosha half an hour to mobilize this meeting, and the responsibilities of all departments were confirmed. At this moment, no matter how perfunctory they are at ordinary times, everyone knows what to do to avoid a greater disaster in Chernobyl, because if the No.4 reactor really explodes, it will not only be the Soviet Union’s problem, but the whole eastern Europe, Turkey along the Baltic Sea, will be endangered by nuclear radiation, and most parts of Ukraine and Belarus will become forbidden areas for mankind from now on.
"Comrades, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Foreign Trade Bank, I would like to make an emergency donation of 100 million rubles to Chernobyl, and we will carefully supervise this donation," Selyosha said at the end of the meeting.
Playing the leading role in this emergency meeting is not the supreme leader of the country like Gorbachev, but an official like Selyosha. Everyone is the official in charge of specific industries in the highest level of the Soviet Union, and most of them are very familiar with their own fields. If we want to break down Chernobyl relief into their own familiar fields, everyone can claim themselves soon.
Gorbachev was not dissatisfied with Selyosha’s crossing the line. On the contrary, he appreciated Selyosha’s move, because he could imagine what the meeting would have been like without Selyosha’s unexpected speech, and there might still be no progress the next day. Worse, Selyosha was a cadre he picked up by himself.
After the meeting, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Rezhkov rushed to Pripyat, Ukraine by special plane. Chernobyl is located in a very important place, which is close to Pripyat River, which is surrounded by important agricultural production areas. The river network is dense and abundant, and Pripyat River is the source of Dnepropetrovsk. Once nuclear radiation spreads to Pripyat River, Dnepropetrovsk may also be in danger.
Even if experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Industry have roughly speculated that to prevent Chernobyl nuclear radiation from spreading to a larger area through water sources, it is necessary to build a dam in the rivers around Chernobyl to block the polluted waters.
Just at this meeting, the budget is already an astronomical figure, which makes the financial situation of the Soviet Central Bank feel a little difficult. The foreign trade bank has really solved the urgent need. Thanks to Liao Sha, who is not a stingy person, he earned money and spent this period of time. The move of Xie Liao Sha’s investment in Japanese yen has greatly increased the foreign trade bank’s funds to the current level of 700 billion US dollars. If it is only in his personal luxury life, even Xie Liao Sha’s ten generations can’t spend it. Thanks to Liao Sha, he doesn’t intend to keep the foreign trade bank out of the Chernobyl incident. He wants this country to do something
Selyosha has drawn a large number of experts from foreign trade banks and rushed to Ukraine. His goal is not Pripyat, but Dnepropetrovsk, a major town in Ukraine thousands of miles away from Pripyat. Now the situation is still shrouded in the shadow of nuclear radiation, even in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Selyosha doesn’t need to take risks, and Dnepropetrovsk is now operated by Tymoshenko family, which is already the most controllable area in Ukraine. Selyosha intends to set the fund turnover place of the disaster relief Committee in Dnepropetrovsk.
Selyosha spent a week in Moscow to mobilize personnel to raise funds. During this time, Gorbachev finally confessed what happened in Chernobyl to the Soviet people, and the solemn protest from the Swedish government surprised Gorbachev. He believed that the radioactive dust from Chernobyl had actually drifted to Sweden, so I am afraid Moscow has already been uneasy.
Xie Liaosha didn’t want to hurt his health because of nuclear radiation, but it was a theory that senior Soviet officials hid in the Far East or abroad at this time, which was forgiven by the Soviet people. Xie Liaosha quickly ended his manual work and rushed to Dnepropetrovsk to see the refreshing [vertex network O].
Chapter ninety-five Running for governor
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"Let’s welcome the proud candidate of Dakota-Adam? Griffith! " Griffith, CEO of Dakota Pasta Growers Company, trotted off the stage before the provocative introduction of the host. He waved to Taiwan supporters.
After accepting Karim’s advice, Griffith accumulated a lot of wealth by selling his own famous sales company. Then he joined the Democratic Party of South Dakota and announced his participation in this year’s governor’s election. However, Griffith is a political amateur, and the Democratic Party of South Dakota is not optimistic about Griffith.
2008 is the mid-term election year in the United States. The mid-term election has almost reached the power of the ruling Republican Party in the Congress. If the Republican Party can still dominate the Congress, the resistance of the Reagan administration to reform will be much smaller. The mid-term election will also change the political structure of some States. According to American law, the mid-term election will also re-elect many governors. Generally, the state will be implemented for two to four years according to the laws of each state. Although the period is two years, the governors acquiesce to be in power for two times.
Although Griffith is not optimistic, he has two incomparable advantages, that is, the American Farmers Association supports Gorky consortium to secretly fund the fundraising ability. No one in South Dakota is Griffith’s opponent.
"Dear residents of South Dakota, how are you? I think most people will curl their lips and sigh. What else can we do? Last year, just last year, South Dakota and North Dakota ushered in the biggest harvest year in history. The reason should be full of smiles. We farmers can earn a lot of money. With this money, we can improve the farm infrastructure and lay the foundation for a bumper harvest. To be honest, I want to replace my 1962 Ford truck, but the reality has given us a loud slap in the face. Last year, the prices of corn, soybean and wheat reached a new low in history. We worked hard to grow food and sold it cheaply, which is not enough.
“NO! NO!”
"Should our hard work be wasted like this?"
“NO! NO!”
"When the Republican Party was in power in South Dakota, they cut our agricultural subsidies, and our taxes were very high. We suffered the lowest agricultural purchase price in history and also suffered high taxes. The Republican Party told us that they would develop tourism in South Dakota. Although I admit that our hometown is really beautiful, if I have a little money, why not go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City? Do I have to pay to come to an agricultural state like South Dakota to watch cows fart? "
"ha! Ha! " Taiwanese people are happy to listen to Griffith’s ridicule, because in the past year, they were really unlucky. Most farmers owed a lot of money to the bank because of the sharp drop in agricultural prices. Griffith, CEO of Dakota Pasta Growers Company, is familiar with this situation. He has worked in this land for more than 20 years and is familiar with what people here like to eat, listen to, play, what they want and what they don’t want. All this is definitely not for those who graduated from law school to rely on lawyers. Politicians who are well-connected and engaged in politics can compare with them. However, most grain producers in South Dakota have dealt with Dakota Pasta Growers Company. Last year, Dakota Pasta Growers Company offered a fair purchase price, which is in fresh contrast with Cargill, a large agricultural trader who desperately kept prices down.
"We are an agricultural state. I really don’t understand what else we can do except run a farm. Let’s dress up as cowboys and play the western shooting game with Indian friends for those tourists? "
"We are not clowns!"
"What we need is not a new economic growth point, but to continue to give play to our advantages. Our ancestors built our Laisheng farm in this land. What we need is to make what we produce worthy of our efforts and labor. This is what we deserve. Someone will ask Adam what if the price of corn, soybeans and wheat is lower than it is now? I’ll tell you that it’s not impossible. There are still so many places in the world that need to import food. There will always be buyers for our food. If we are in power, I will continue to increase our agricultural subsidies instead of reducing them. I will restore our education and public expenditure to the appearance of the Republican Party instead of reducing it, because I know that some money can’t be saved for future generations. I will save the United Nations Insurance Company, our farmers’ preferential insurance. With insurance, even if food prices plummet, the Ministry of Agriculture will not help us, and there are insurance companies. Help us so that our farms will not fall into the hands of greedy Wall Street capitalists for generations, and we will not lose our land and be forced to mix cowboys and Indians on our farms as a joke … "
Griffith let his ideas of governance penetrate into the audience’s minds bit by bit. His remarks actually represent Gorky’s interests. Glencore hopes to control more agricultural output and push its competitors out of Monsanto, South Dakota. It hopes that its genetically modified species will be recognized by the market and glyphosate will bring more benefits. Columbia Bank’s newly established Colombian insurance company has taken a fancy to South Dakota’s agricultural insurance and mortgage market. Griffith’s ideas of governance seem to represent Gorky’s interests in the end.
Griffith’s speech at the party primary election was broadcast to every family in South Dakota by the local TV news network, and Griffith’s campaign advertisement was put on the highway billboard, the hospital water cup syringe and even the contraceptive dispenser. Griffith’s public team had sufficient funds to show his image to voters, while other Democratic competitors were squeezed out of sight by Griffith’s campaign funds. Look at the refreshing [vertex network O].
Chapter ninety-six Capable You Liya
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"Minister ulyanov, thank you for rushing to Ukraine to participate in Chernobyl rescue work at a critical moment …" Selyosha saw Ukrainian officials who came to receive him at the airport as soon as he got off the plane, but Selyosha had no impression on the others except Tymoshenko family You Liya and Gennady.
"Thank you comrades for coming to meet me at the airport, but now is an extraordinary time. Comrades still have to work hard!" Xie took while shaking hands with these reception officials to longly say.
At present, it doesn’t make these officials, whose average age is 50 or 60 years old, feel uncomfortable to speak like this. Recently, Xie Liaosha has been following Jelicin’s advice and has been subtly changing his image, hoping to look "old" from the outside. He deliberately grew a beard and added some silver hair to his temples. At first glance, Xie Liaosha’s age seems to be in his thirties. This change is not overnight, but subtly changing his image in other people’s minds.
This time, Selyosha came to Dnepropetrovsk with a large amount of cash, mainly for funding and material support for Chernobyl rescue operation. At present, the Soviet Union has taken action, and the Ministry of National Defense even recalled the Soviet commander-in-chief Valentin from Afghanistan. Ivankovic? Varennikov is the commander-in-chief of the Chernobyl rescue operation, while General Pikalov, commander-in-chief of the Soviet chemical soldiers, has personally inspected the entire Kiev Military Region, including the 175197154th Motorized Infantry Division and the 34161st Motorized Infantry Division in other parts of Ukraine, and more than a dozen war divisions have been mobilized.
Residents of Pripyat have been evacuated to other cities in the Soviet Union, but firefighters and Red Army soldiers who showed serious symptoms of nuclear contamination during the rescue of Chernobyl were sent by plane to the Sixth Hospital of Moscow Army for treatment. The Ministry of Transport has even adjusted the railway lines in Ukraine to ensure that relief supplies destined for Pripyat can reach the scene as soon as possible.
Selyosha’s life is not in danger in Dnepropetrovsk, but he is not easy at all. He is responsible for resettling the 530,000 Pripyat residents who have been evacuated from Pripyat. Besides, he is also responsible for allocating relief supplies to Chernobyl. These tasks are cumbersome and heavy. Selyosha has not been in charge of so many tasks for a long time.
As Nastya is still in England, Selyosha made an exception and arranged You Liya to work beside him except bringing cadres from Moscow. Selyosha was very impressed with You Liya’s ability. He did not see the wrong person in arranging Dnepropetrovsk city workers in You Liya, and finally the context became clear and orderly.
Hundreds of thousands of engineering troops from the Russian Republic soon arrived in Ukraine. They built 130 dams around Chernobyl in Ukraine and Belarus to prevent nuclear accidents from polluting the surrounding rivers. In addition, large cities with certain industrial strength, such as Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and Skodnepropetrovsk, the capital of Belarus, are responsible for producing a large number of industrial liquid nitrogen to meet the on-site needs of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Experts from the institute suggested that a passage extending to Chernobyl should be opened from the oil drilling equipment in the side, and liquid nitrogen should be injected through this passage to cool the reactor. The consumption of liquid nitrogen is huge, and it is about 25 tons per day. It is impossible to meet such a huge demand by clinging to Kiev factory.
With You Liya gradually taking over more and more jobs, Xie Liaosha can finally take a good breath. The disaster caused by this person has brought huge losses to the Soviet Union. Xie Liaosha spent almost 10 billion rubles in less than a month. Although the overall capital demand has not been estimated, does Xie Liaosha expect to need another 10 billion rubles?
Chernobyl happened at a bad time, because Gaidar and the Federal Republic of Germany have reached a consensus through debt negotiations. The Soviet Foreign Trade Bank has promised to repay the loan before and will borrow a new financing with lower interest from the Federal Republic of Germany. However, due to the Chernobyl nuclear accident, Selyosha was able to move the money to repay the foreign debt to help the disaster, and the Soviet Foreign Trade Bank was caught in a credit crisis.
The Germans didn’t delay the Soviet Union’s debt because of Chernobyl. On the contrary, they hoped that this excuse would be used to try to discuss the reunification of Germany with the Soviet Union. This was simply a robbery in troubled waters. Thanks to Liao Sha for letting Mikhail borrow a large sum of money from the Bank of Japan and the Bank of Tokyo, totaling about $20 billion, to end the Soviet Union’s debt, and the rest of the money was thrown into the account of the newly established insurance company in the United States.
The Chernobyl incident not only weakened the Soviet Union, but also made Selyosha feel an unprecedented financial shortage. However, Selyosha still does not intend to sell his assets in yen, because the yen is still in a strong upward trend.
However, during this period, You Liya got a lot of light with Selyosha. Because Selyosha is now the head of the rescue operation logistics department, Dnepropetrovsk visited Selyosha, and You Liya, an official with a high back, got to know many prominent figures in Ukrainian politics.