It’s like seeing a screaming baby.
Of course, even so, the strength of the other party still makes her show some seriousness.
And the freedom that the other party has.
Be free to do whatever you want
It is even more to make her feel more disdainful than envy and jealousy!
That’s what she’s been longing for for for years, but she can’t reach it! !
The same birth is extremely powerful.
It also symbolizes something powerful.
Why can the other party be so free that they have to go to jail in the deepest part of the [hell dimension]?
Damn it! !
Is this reasonable? ?
a short while
This strength in the deepest part of the dimension of hell is not weaker than that of the transcendence. Even the level of mephistopheles and Defense of the Ancients are small fleas, and the stronger they are, the more they think about it, the more they get angry! !
“【OAA】! ! !”
"I want to kill you for one trillion years! ! ! !”
The loneliness of great filial piety is constantly echoing.
A few waves are enough to destroy hundreds of millions of universes.
But all this
After all, it doesn’t make sense
There is nothing here but this will …
The outside world is completely isolated.
Smaller than a small black room.
She won’t react if she vents herself.
What happened here
Although the actual movement will not be smaller than the movement caused by the birth of the Transcendental.
But even in the dimension of hell, many "Defense of the Ancients" are sensitive to the situation.
And the other party’s malicious words are nothing.
If the other party really has the ability to challenge [OAA]
I haven’t been lying dead in this hellhole for years
can say
Every once in a while, I talk about ghosts and scream, which is purely because the other party vented their emotions.
Actually equal to
It belongs to a fixed project at regular intervals.
But this time, what made the will even more angry happened after all.
It was a scene where she appeared on the outermost side of the prison when she was screaming.
And that’s none other than Olga, a good neighbor who doesn’t mind each other!
After seeing his appearance, he listened to the will, and the corners of his mouth immediately showed a sarcastic smile.
Then he adjusted his voice.
Then put your mouth on the prison 】 【 barriers blunt department shouted
"Who dog barks! ! ? ?”
"What the hell are you barking at! ? ? ?”
"Didn’t you eat? ? ? ? ?”
"You give the old call a little bigger! ! ! !”
Louder than the prison, the ghosts shouted at each other and handed the sound to the dimension of hell, which attracted countless guys to raise their heads with question marks in their brains.
Very sudden situation
Even the one detained by the [Prison] Department was blocked for a while.
It took a long time.
She was more angry and angry than she was in shame and indignation.
"[crimson master]! ! !”
"I want to kill you! ! ! !”
"I must kill you! ! ! ! ! !”
"You wait for me, I must …"
"I …"
Bitter words are more cruel than one.
But I can’t change that sad fact that I can be furious.
Full of power, not enough!
While listening to each other’s roar and filial piety, Olga also showed his face in a timely and decisive manner, and strengthened the hatred value of each other on the spot.
He just likes the feeling that others can’t wait to drink his blood, eat his meat and take him.
If it is true, it will make him feel good from the heart!
The other person’s anger is as mad as a caged dog, but he can look at the target, which is filial piety.
"Jie Jie Jie Jie ~"
When I came, I brought nothing, but when I left, I took a good mood. Ortega smiled and left smartly.
It makes each other even crazier …
[everything OBA]
This is the other party’s address.
One because the duty is to destroy everything.
The [OAA] guy who won’t show his face easily.
The actual meanings of appellation are "the destroyer of all things" and "the deepest evil".
Can be [all things], [the highest] … [OAA]